Check out the rungo 10K route
Start on Sundance Road
Immediate left onto Cave Avenue
Left on to Banff Avenue (cross over the bridge)
Right on to Wolf Street
Right on to Muskrat Street
Left on to Caribou Street
Left on to Otter Street/Tunnel Mtn Road
Right onto Tunnel Mountain Drive and pass by north Parks gate on Tunnel Mountain Drive
Follow Tunnel Mountain Drive and pass by Banff Centre to Surprise Corner as Tunnel Mountain Drive turns in to Buffalo Street
On to Buffalo Street
Left at Muskrat Street on to the footpath / trail and proceed over Pedestrian Bridge
At end of bridge (on south side of river) turn Left on to Bow River Trail
Turn/Angle Right at larger trail intersection with park bench (before intersection at Bow Falls lookout/stairs) and head toward Bow Falls Ave
Turn right on to Bow Falls Ave
Turn right on to Glen Ave
Proceed along Glen Ave under Banff Avenue Bridge on to Birch Avenue
Right on Recreation Grounds footpath
Proceed along footpath past skateboard park on to Sundance Road
Follow Sundance Road
Left on to playing field (Finish)